
She‘s here with me now

„Wir brauchen ein Liebesgedicht. In Englisch. Nicht mehr als 6 Verse. Morgen.“ Auftrags-Poesie für die Denim Herbstkampagne 2013 von New Yorker.

She´s here with me now

She´s here with me now
and that´s all I need
to stand up and fight
and laugh while I bleed

to stand up and be
the man that she needs
my thoughts are all hers
and so are my deeds

my wounds and my hunger
my bones and my soul
she touches it all

making me whole

she touches my fears
my dreams, my desire
between our skins
dragons breathe fire

between our eyes
there´s a blizzard of trust
she´s all that I see
´til all turns to dust

between our hearts
there´s a whispered vow
to conquer it all
she´s here with me now


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